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Book Talk: From Conflict to Convergence: Coming Together to Solve Tough Problems

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In From Conflict to Convergence: Coming Together to Solve Tough Problems, two expert collaborative problem solvers deliver an incisive, hands-on guide to de-escalating conflict and constructively engaging with those you disagree with to find better solutions to problems. In this book full of real-life stories and examples, you'll find a collection of tried and tested strategies you can employ immediately as you negotiate and navigate your most seemingly intractable conflicts. You'll learn how finding what the authors call “higher ground” can advance your interests even when facing people and groups you think you have little in common with and how this can set the stage for longer-term cooperation.

The authors explain how to improve your ability to understand how other people think, feel, and perceive the world around you and how to use that knowledge to develop mutually beneficial solutions that help advance your interests and the interests of the people you're dealing with.

Perfect for business and organizational leaders, board members, community and religious leaders, public servants, mediators, and anyone else looking to find common ground with people with differing views and perspectives, From Conflict to Convergence also speaks to concerned citizens looking for concrete pathways to lessen troubling divides in their workplaces, their communities, and society at large. From Conflict to Convergence is a must-read resource for an increasingly combative and conflicted world.


Robert Fersh, Convergence Founder and First CEO - Rob founded Convergence in 2009 and served as its first CEO until 2020. He has spent over 45 years bridging policy differences and moving important public policy solutions forward in Washington DC, working for Congress, in the Executive Branch, and in leading non-profit organizations.

Mariah Levison, Convergence CEO and President-
 Mariah serves as CEO and President of Convergence. With decades of experience, Mariah is a seasoned consensus-builder who excels in bringing diverse groups together to address critical state and national issues. Her expertise extends to speaking and training on a national and international level, engaging with a wide range of audiences, including local communities, law schools, foreign governments, and TED.

Moderator: Tina Patterson

Ms. Tina Paterson is the Founder and Principal of Jade Solutions LLC, a woman-owned business with more than 20 years of experience mediating and consulting in other areas of Alternative Dispute Resolution, community engagement, and training.

April 11

Breaking the Silence: Interest-Based, Nonviolent Dialogue to Disrupt the Cycle of Violence, Middle East Focus.